Monday, February 15, 2016

Hope in Life

My life is pretty fantastic.To others I might have it all. But here is the thing. No matter how many blessings and fantastic things you have in your life there are still things that simply suck.

It might be sleep. My sleep sucks. I hardly remember what that relationship once was like. It might be yourself. I have hard time with myself. I let thoughts about my self become a belief. It might be loved once. 

That list may seem stretched out, but all of those things are things that in time will change. We as humans focus on the negative things in life. Why? Simple. Because it is an uncomfortable feeling. It hurts. It makes you sick. 

It has taken me along time to come to terms with this statement. You can't change things that happen to you, but what you can change is how you react to the things that happen to you.

I 100% believe that if we use our hardships and negative events in our life  to build us up and make us stronger rather than bitter we will be blessed.

There is hope in our life's. Always. There will always be another day. There are blessings, and if we are patient our Heavenly Father is waiting to reward us for how we concurred our trials. So, smile. Believe in yourself. Don't worry what others think. You know your heart. And wait for the blessings.


  1. One of my favorite quotes: "you can't fully love yourself if you are still rejecting pieces of who you are" �� smile girlfriend! You're amazing!
